Instant Self Hypnosis Techniques at Your Aid

Self hypnosis is all about being able to hypnotize yourself with ease in order to heal your emotional wounds, improve health, enhance spirituality, ease stress & anxiety, get rid of fears & phobias & free yourself from addictive habits like, smoking or drugs. More specifically, self hypnosis is a self-induced form of hypnosis meant to provide physical, psychological & mental relaxation & peace.

Self hypnosis is usually associated with terms like, auto hypnosis & auto suggestion. There are certain instinctive responses to habitual behaviour which can be altered only through access to the subconscious mind & self hypnosis provides that access. It is believed that the subconscious mind is meant to permanently retain knowledge once gained. Thus, a positive alteration in the subconscious mind directly reflects on the conscious mind & become a part of your habitual well being.

There are some suggested ways in which self hypnosis can be induced like:

Creating a Trance State: This technique involves leaving your present state of mind & entering into a completely new state of mind, where you have a different view point of life. This technique helps you to get into a relaxed state away from the ups & downs of life. The Trance state helps you develop a new point for the difficulties of life so that you can think in a more rationalized manner.

Uplift your Mind: An alternate ancient technique is offered by Joe Vitale that is based on the teachings of Ho’oponopono. A yet another instant self hypnosis technique, this helps you realize your power of healing yourself by accepting the responsibility for everything happening in your life. This technique helps you clear yourself so that you learn to respect others for what they are.

Anchor Your Transformation: This technique is based on symbolizing or naming the transformation you experience during self hypnosis & then pressing the thumb together with the index finger in an attempt to save the name. This name can be recalled at any time to bring a reminder of your transformed state.

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