Amazing Self Hypnosis Techniques for Busy Professionals

When you are working 24×7 round the clock with not the slightest time for leisure & rest, self relaxation is what you crave for & what better option than self hypnosis?

This is the scenario with most professionals today, especially professionals like doctors & businessmen who run private entities. Being in professions that require being on toes for most part of the day, there is not much time for relaxation. This is where self hypnosis comes to aid.

Self hypnosis is a much needed respite from the routine problems of life & work. While there are numerous things like a short walk or music that a professional can practice for stress relaxation, self hypnosis is undisputedly the quickest & most convenient option. The best part about this technique as a means of relaxation is that it can be done anywhere & everywhere.

There are certain simple techniques that professionals may follow for self hypnosis:

The Breathing Technique: Deep breathing is considered to be one of the primal points of all techniques of hypnosis. You may start by suggesting yourself to breath & then gradually go about imagining the fresh air filling your lungs & remote parts of your body like, the hands & toes. Try to picturise the fresh oxygen travelling across your body over the sore spots & you can immediately feel yourself revitalized.

The Waterfall Technique: This is a powerful hypnosis technique that takes only a minute to relieve you of stress. Just as before, take a deep breath & then imagine a stream of cold or hot water flowing with healing energy either in front of you or behind. Next feel yourself stepping into the beautiful waterfall & the relaxing energy running down your body over your hands, toes & shoulders relaxing each & every part as it flows down to the centre of the earth.

The Mini Power Nap Technique: Though this may take a couple of minutes, its effect is really amazing. This is especially meant for people who continuously feel tired & lethargic during work. This requires you to lie down or sit for a few minutes, take a deep breath & then identify the tensions of your body. Next suggest yourself to let go off all the tensions & replace the space with a fresh flow of energy. Once you find yourself feeling relaxed, suggest yourself to take a super-charged hypnosis power nap & remind yourself to be refreshed & revitalized when you wake up from your power nap.

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